OK, I know it seems like we're always talking about me, but usually it’s about what I've been doing, rather than how I am. I have changed so much already in the past four months (that's right, I'll be four months old in a few days!) and Mum says I still change every day.
So, at four months, I can:
- hold my head up steadily. I have been promoted to the 'big kid' stroller now, which is cool because I can see much more of the world.
- recognise Mum and Dad's faces. I am always very happy to see them, especially first thing in the morning when we all wake up.
- blow raspberries. We all blow them at each other as a form of communication. When I wake up in the night, instead of crying, I blow raspberries to wake Mum up. And all through 'Mums and Bubs' yoga last week, I used this sophisticated technique to get Mum out of downward dog and back to paying attention to me!
- chuckle at my parents' funny antics (see my video in last post).
- grab things: toys hanging on my playmat, teething rings (yes, teething rings! My gums seem to bug me, but more on that later), rattles, Mum's necklace, Dad's chest hair… When I grab my hanging toys I shake them and try to grab them with my feet as well.
- sleep for up to 5-6 hours at a time at night. I have been waking twice between 7.30pm and 6am, which Mum says is just fine, but last night I only woke once, at 2am, which she says is even better.
I am still exclusively breastfed and will be for at least two more months. I think I might decide to eat new food around December but until then Mum and I are happy with the way things are. I have been feeding often during the day – around every three hours - but this means that I sleep better at night, so all for the greater good.
I am not sure what I weigh exactly, but Dad weighed me on the home scales and it said I was just over 6kg. Some of my friends in Mothers' Group weigh up to 500gm-1kg more than me, so I must be around average. I am going to the doctors again next week (not sure what for, but it can't possibly be as terrifying as last time... or can it?) so I will be weighed then.
I am generally a content baby, happy to go wherever Mum takes me each day. I love going out for walks and get excited when I am put in the pram. We go for two walks every day: one morning walk in the pram to the beach, then another in the evening in the front pack as a bit of a wind down. Before I go to bed each night, we follow a little routine: walk, then nappy change, wrap, lights and noise down, and 'Calm Baby' music playing. Mum then feeds me to sleep and I usually pass right out. I do reserve my right to wake again and ask for another little cuddle, or a bit more food if I fell asleep too soon, but I try not to make too much fuss.
Lately I have started putting everything I can in my mouth. At first it was just to satisfy an overwhelming urge to suck, but now I have started needing to gnaw on everything too. I am salivating like Homer Simpson in a doughnut factory! I think I'm still a bit too little for teeth, and Mum says that my gums aren't swollen, but things can start moving around in there around two months before the teeth actually show, so it is possible that is what's happening. It is a pain in the ...well, mouth, I suppose, but it's amazing to think I will have teeth soon!
In my spare time, I enjoy hanging out with friends, watching the wind blow leaves on the tree outside, singing along with Baby Einstein and cuddling my favourite toy, the Whosit. I also like hanging out on my tummy. It's great fun! I'm not rolling yet, but I have been practising by putting my legs in the air and tipping on my side. Won't be long!
Lots of love,