Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy days... and nights!!

Hello friends and family,

Hope you are all doing well. We are all fantastic here! I have discovered something called sleep! Mum says not to get too excited - things do change - but I think secretly she is celebrating the fact that I am sleeping from 7pm until 7am every night. It has been lovely for everyone. I am still managing about 3-4 hours of naps during the day too, so Mum is enjoying some time to do things other than hang out with me. I don't know why she would want that, personally, but hey, each to their own.

I have nothing else too exciting to tell you right now. Life is just a happy blur of swimming, eating, going to the beach and playing with Mum and Dad. Oh, and saying 'bababa'. That's my activity du jour. So instead of writing you a long blog, I thought I'd add a long video of me... just being me. If it doesn't play below, click this link to watch it on You Tube.

(Yes, I know, I am only 8 months old, but I am very tech savvy!)

Lots of love,

PS: If you are wondering about the picture above, yes, it was that cold in Sydney a couple of weekends ago. We've had the full spectrum of weather this summer!